

Beszámoló 2002

  Ha nincs kép, a szó is megteszi
 Alapító Okirat 1989

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Péntek Lajos

Csökkentlátó Gyermekek Alapítvány
1163 Budapest, Kolozs u. 39. III/55.
On the Internet

If there is no picture, the word will do, commemorating the hard work of Mr. Lajos Péntek in support of the visually impaired.Ha
                                                          nincs kép

Advertising professionals often say that an image is capable of transmitting more information than a thousand words.

Just think of the beginning of film production, looking at the masterpieces of film history, because of the state of the art at the time, we see the movement of the actors as fragmented.
Later, with the improvement of equipment and film materials, the number of images per second was increased to such an extent that the series of images projected on the screen already creates the illusion of continuous movement.

As I recall; to achieve the desired effect, a minimum of 16 phase images per second must be projected to perceive what is seen as a continuous event. Later, 24 images per second were projected on the films.

Healthy people can see the events of our world constantly.
Just think of how many and how many millions of images we see in our waking lives, if only the former are true, we get an unspeakable amount of information by our visual organs.
This wealth of information has a decisive impact on their lives.
For those who have a problem with this complex sensory organ system, there is a need for a great spiritual surplus to partially compensate for the lack of nature.

Costly devices can occasionally ease the problems of the visually impaired, but at the present level of science they can only solve this in exceptional cases.

Visual experiences have a number of indirect and direct effects on work, fun, and joy.
It is clear that there is a difficult situation due to visual impairment and this has negative consequences for quality of life.

As we have seen in many cases, by developing their other qualities, injured people can gain extra that can partially compensate for their lost abilities, helping them integrate into a larger and more fortunate group of people.
Of course, those with a disability need effective external support to successfully overcome barriers.

People who are seeing such difficult problems can really perceive the miracle of their natural vision, then they can think about how they can support their less fortunate peers, those deprived of the outer visual world.

Unfortunately, in our history, our fellow human beings suffer from a variety of deficiencies.In our time, despite the often expressed political intentions, there are problems with the distribution of available resources.
Which is why charities such as the Lajos Péntek Foundation for Children with Reduced Vision, founded by Lajos Péntek 28 years ago, have a place.

Mr. Lajos Péntek undertook to do as much as he could - setting aside his own burdens - for the cause of his visually impaired companions
And the miracle of miracles, the assets of the Foundation, which started with ten thousand forints, are now over 14 million.
Mr. Lajos Péntek of with the diligence of ants, sometimes putting pennies on top of each other, hard work - emptying himself into a beggar several times -  he has raised the capital, with the interest of which he wants to help  visually impaired children.

Throughout his work, he placed a special emphasis on compliance with moral and written laws, showing examples for those with more opportunities.
The operation of its Foundation in this way was also welcomed by the Court of Supervisors.

I can only ask you from the well-intention ed People, to help the Foundation help the needy visually impaired children.

I think the secret is known to many.
According to a broader interpretation of the Bible's teaching, well-intention ed donation, besides the concrete help, can be considered as the sowing of the donor, and everyone loves to gather, of course it is a good thing to harvest.

I would like to assure the Reader that the support he intends to provide, in line with the Foundation's objectives, is certain to help visually impaired children.

The Foundation for Children with Disabilities is open, so the Foundation welcomes the association of other foundations, groups and organizations in addition to individual donations.

Budapest, April 28, 2019

                                                        Balázs Sipos
                                                        Honour of the founder's work

Created on this Web page:

 If there is no picture, the word will do it ...

 using Google Translate

(Budapest. July 01, 2002
Using dated writing )

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A Péntek Lajos Csökkentlátó Gyermekek Alapítvány nyitott, ezért az egyéni adományokon túl, más Alapítványok-, karitatív szervezetek-, csoportok jelentkezését is szívesen fogadja az Alapító. - 
Péntek Lajos
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